How To Handle PayPal Payment Failures Automatically

PayPal will make up to three payment attempts with 5 days between each attempt. PayPal notifies SubscriptionBoss of the payment failure with a PayPal IPN. You can configure SubscriptionBoss to run an action set on both payment failure and payment success in the Payment Event Actions section of the subscription. Campaign For Handling A Subscription […]

What Are PayPal Skipped Payments?

Question: I get a lot of “Payment skipped” emails, looking in Subscription Boss I see customers who have Notifications of Payment skipped, payment failed, payment skipped etc, can you tell me exactly what causes a payment to be SKIPPED and why? Answer: Payment Failures PayPal tries to take payment 3 times; the first time is […]

Infusionsoft And PayPal Subscriptions

The Infusionsoft implementation for PayPal Subscriptions requires PayPal “Reference Transactions” which allows the vendor to take any amount of money at any time from an buyer’s account (up to USD10,000 per transaction). ​ ​There are a couple of major problems with this: ​ ​1) PayPal don’t grant the Reference Transactions capability without a lot of […]

How To Find Your Merchant Account ID

Go to ECommerce Settings Click On Merchant Accounts Choose the Merchant Account of interest – a window will pop up Make the window wider so you can see the whole of the URL in the address bar The Merchant Account ID is the number after ID= in the URL querystring The ID can then be […]

How To Resolve PayPal Payments With No Order On Infusionsoft

This scenario is one where the buyer makes the order and payment is taken but the order is not updated in Infusionsoft due to a technical failure of some sort. So the buyer will have paid but not received the service. This happened today, Friday 12th September 2014, when Infusionsoft updated their SSL certificate at […]

How To Move SubscriptionBoss To Another Domain

SubscriptionBoss is licensed for a specific domain and the plugin will not operate on a different domain. A new version of the plugin needs to be installed on the new domain. The following will consider the most far-reaching example where you are moving the entire sales funnel from one domain to another. SSL Certificate Firstly, […]

Infusionsoft Spring Update Shopping Cart Fix

The Infusionsoft Spring Update changed the rules regarding the display of a PayPal option in the Shopping Cart. Where Has The PayPal Payment Option Gone? Previously there was a Hide PayPal for subscriptions checkbox under Payment Options which you needed to clear to show the PayPal option for subscriptions and payment plans. Now Infusionsoft checks […]

Infusionsoft Spring Update Payment Plan Fix

After the Infusionsoft Spring Update, payment plan creation failed. This problem has been passed to the Infusionsoft Development Team for a bug fix. In the interim, the most helpful Michael Fairchild of Infusionsoft Support promptly came up with a temporary solution that I have verified and then implemented in SubscriptionBoss 1.37. Required Action If you […]

PayPal Payment Option Has Disappeared After The Spring Update

After the Infusionsoft Spring 2014 update the PayPal payment option may disappear from your order forms. There are 2 ways to put it back. You will need to use the second method if you are using a PayPal certificate instead of a PayPal signature for your Express Checkout API. Set up PayPal Express Checkout in […]

How To Integrate Infusionsoft Product Bundle Links With SubscriptionBoss

Scott asks: Is it possible to create a subscription that has someone pay for two products: that is a single link that can send someone to make a PayPal order for Product A and Product B? Russell answered: Yes, you can. Infusionsoft Product Bundle Setup In Infusionsoft go to Ecommerce > Products > Product Bundle […]