How To Resolve PayPal Payments With No Order On Infusionsoft

This scenario is one where the buyer makes the order and payment is taken but the order is not updated in Infusionsoft due to a technical failure of some sort. So the buyer will have paid but not received the service.

This happened today, Friday 12th September 2014, when Infusionsoft updated their SSL certificate at short notice

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Any orders made through via SubscriptionBoss today AFTER the Infusionsoft Update but BEFORE you updated the plugin to version 1.41 will need to be created manually in Infusionsoft.

SubscriptionBoss will have emailed your notification email address where it failed to create the order. The email subject is of the form:

SubscriptionBoss Order Errors creating infusionsoft order for [buyer email] with PayPal reference [paypal reference]

The email will contain the error message:

Error unable to connect to Infusionsoft app propvaludata : CURL error: Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates

In SubscriptionBoss Notifications there will be a PayPal Instant Notification (IPN) showing the full transaction details. This will identify the buyer, the subscription order and the payment amount and the intended number of payments. You can then go ahead and create the order in Infusionsoft .

Creating A Manual Order After A Failure

  1. Create the contact if required using the first name, last name and email address from the notification
  2. Add the order or subscription depending on the nature of the product; e.g one-time or recurring
  3. Put the PayPal Transaction Id in the custom field if it is an order, and put the PayPal Profile Id in the custom field if it is a subscription (recurring) order
  4. Add a payment plan if required.
  5. For subscriptions click the Invoice button
  6. Make sure the order is NOT set as auto-charge as payment is by PayPal not credit card
  7. Go into SubscriptionBoss Notifications and “reprocess” the IPN for the order. This will cause the payment to be applied to the order you just created.
  8. If you have a multi-stage payment plan, and have successfully applied the first immediate payment, edit the order and put the PayPal Profile Id in the custom field so subsequent payments get matched against the order
  9. Depending on how you have set things up you may need to run an Order Success Action Set to provision the service for the buyer

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