Here are the most common questions that we get asked of SubscriptionBoss. If your question isn't listed here, or if you want to speak with either Liz or Russell, please visit the contact page and request a Skype call to get your questions answered.

PayPal Billing Frequency Explained

SubscriptionBoss uses PayPal terminology for the billing parameters: billing period, billing frequency and billing cycles. Billing cycles is clear enough but the use of billing period and frequency has led to some confusion.

For example one user set up a billing period of “month” and billing frequency of 12 thinking that this would result in 12 monthly bills: however this is interpreted by PayPal as one bill every 12 months.

The actual period between bills is calculated by multiplying the billing period by the billing frequency

Here are some common billing schedules:

  • Billing Period = Month; Billing Frequency = 1; means every month
  • Billing Period = Month; Billing Frequency = 3; means every 3 months or quarterly
  • Billing Period = Month; Billing Frequency = 12; means every 12 months or annually
  • Billing Period = Annual; Billing Frequency = 1; means every 1 year or annually
  • Billing Period = Week; Billing Frequency = 2; means every 2 weeks or fortnightly

Can I change The Billing Frequency On A Live PayPal Agreement If It Was Set Up Incorrectly Initially?

For existing orders/agreements then you cannot change the billing frequency say from 12 to 1, as from the PayPal buyer perspective the effective price would be going up by a factor of twelve. Some small modifications (generally reductions) are possible but not increases of large scale.

So you would need to cancel the existing agreement on PayPal and ask the buyer to sign up again.

When you go into PayPal and cancel the agreement, the SubscriptionBoss plugin will be notified of the cancellation and run the Infusionsoft cancellation action set you may have set up for that subscription. You need to check the content of this to make sure any messages/emails that it sends out are appropriate since you may have created this action set with the presumption that it was the member would be making the cancellation.

I would therefore suggest telephoning or emailing the member first and explain there had been an ‘administrative error’ and that they had been placed on a annual rather than monthly billing cycle by mistake – and that you would cancel the existing PayPal agreement and ask them to sign up again – obviously giving them some bonus offer would smooth the path. With this approach you can tell them that they can happily ignore the cancellation emails.

Or if you do not want the user to receive any cancellation email then put a ‘rule’ on the cancellation action set that makes the action set not run for that specific contact.

How Exactly Does Tax Work With SubscriptionBoss?

The short answer is that for most businesses there is a relatively straightforward solution – but the details depends on your tax jurisdiction and type of product you sell – specifically whether it is physical or digital, and also if the product is always sold to a business (“a business product”), or sold to an individual (“a personal product”), or can be sold to either businesses or individuals (“an ambiguous product”)

US Taxes

As I understand it, in the USA, sales tax is charged for physical products when the buyer is in the same state but not when the buyer is out of state. The rate of tax is determined by the state. Most states do not charge tax for digital purchases.

EU Zone Taxes

  • Personal products attract seller based taxes – the tax rate is based on the seller’s tax jurisdiction
  • Business products attract buyer based taxes – the tax rate is based on the buyer’s tax jurisdiction

If the buyer and seller are in the same country then sales tax is charged at the country rate. However, if the business buyer and seller are in different countries then tax is handled through a ‘reverse charge’ mechanism where no tax is actually charged on the purchase and the buyer must account for the sales tax. See Reverse Charging Mechanism

PayPal Tax Tables

If you have a “personal” product (seller based taxes) or a business product (buyer based tax) then PayPal allows you to set up Tax Tables however PayPal tax tables are ignored when using Express Checkout so they are not of any use to us.


SubscriptionBoss supports 3 tax options: “no tax”, “seller based tax” and “destination based tax”.

Most US businesses selling B2B (business to business) will use the “no tax” option.

Typically you will use seller-based tax if you are selling B2C (business to customer).

Most EU businesses selling B2B will use “destination based tax” and specify a tax rate only for their own country. For example, a UK Business will specify “GB 20%” in the Country Tax Table to indicate that Value Added Sales Tax is 20%.

Ambiguous Products

What is difficult to handle is the scenario where the product could be either for business or personal use.

I have not dealt with this case in practice but what I would do is have a order form that forces the buyer to enter a VAT code/Company Number and tick a checkbox to verify it is a business sale. Then based on their buyer selection either sell them a “personal product” with seller based tax or a “business product” with country based tax. So for a UK business selling a product which could be used for personal or business to an American citizen then the tax would be 20% in the former case and 0% in the latter.

Can I Place My Buy Now Links Anywhere?

Yes you can! You can place links to your subscription payment pages anywhere! That’s one of the advantages of SubscriptionBoss.

For example you can place links directly in

  • On your sales pages – anywhere, on WordPress or otherwise
  • Twitter Tweets
  • FaceBook Pages
  • Email Newsletters
  • Email Signatures
  • Web 2.0 Properties
  • Forum Signatures

For example in a Tweet you might say “Amazing SEO Product – 30 Day Free Trial to xxxx only available through this Twitter link – please RT”.

This would give the people who see the link a reason to re-tweet and your 30 day free trial as a chance of going viral via Twitter.

Email Sales Letter

Let’s say you send your prospects an email containing sales copy and a text link or button offering a $1 trial of your service for 30 days, after which the price would revert to $99 a month.

In each of the cases about the link you specify would be something like this :

<a href="http://orders.yoursite.com?inpp_action=submit=&subscription=yourtrial">Click to sign up for $1 trial</a>

When your prospect clicks on the a they are taken to PayPal, and on making payment, are then directed to the thank you page as specified by Infusionsoft

How Do I Track Completed and Abandoned Sales?

The easiest way to do this is using a URL shortening service as most of these have a tracking capability. Of course if you are trying to track clicks on a website you can use Google Analytics, using the onclick event facility on the link. However, URL shortening services tracking can be used in locations outside of your site.

Maybe you may want to track because you have different leads sources: for example, different websites, Facebook Fan Pages, email campaigns, tweets; or because you have different affiliates that are sending the traffic.

The URL shortening will be able to give you statistics on how many people clicked the link but not whether or not they completed the sale: right now SubscriptionBoss does nothing with any affiliate or tracking codes you pass through in the URL querystring.

Next Release of SubscriptionBoss

In the next release we will pass both the affiliate code and the tracking code through to Infusionsoft on the webform so Infusionsoft can assign the sale to the affiliate and also apply a tracking code that can be used to identify which campaign led to the sale.

Furthermore if you set your order form to use the same URL shortening service for the order thank you page, then you should be able to get all your tracking statistics from one place.

When the plugin is updated to include this tracking feature we will also include a video tutorial of how to set it all up.

How Can I Use The SubscriptionBoss Plugin If I Don’t Use WordPress?

You don’t yet use WordPress? Absolutely no problem! The way that SubscriptionBoss has been designed has made it possible for any Infusionsoft user to use the plugin.

Please note that InfusionPP is the old name for SubscriptionBoss – they are the same plugin for the purposes of this video

You simply create a blank WordPress self-hosted installation (wordpress.org, not wordpress.com) where you install SubscriptionBoss so the plugin can run and do its magic. All you do is paste the code SubscriptionBoss provides into your existing sales sites so as to display the PayPal button.

We can install WordPress for you, or you can do this yourself.

Lets say your current sales site is located at http://www.yoursite.com. In this case we would set up a subdomain at say, http://paypal.yoursite.com or use a sub-folder. In fact, even if you do currently use WordPress as your platform of choice, it’s still a good idea to run the plugin on a separate WordPress site because that site can then act as a post office or sorting house for all your PayPal sales, for as many sites as you run through a single Paypal/Infusionsoft account pair.

You don’t need WordPress everywhere – you only need it once, and through that one site – which is only ever seen by you – all your PayPal payments – subscriptions and one off payments and now payment plans too – can be processed.

You will be able to put links for subscriptions not only on any site that you run, but also in Emails, Twitter and Facebook Pages, for example.

Can I Perform Testing in the PayPal Sandbox?

Yes. In fact we do all our initial testing in the PayPal sandbox. But once this has completed successfully we then test by buying our own products and then cancelling. This allows us to test both the ordering and the cancellation process.

To use the PayPal Sandbox then on the SubscriptionBoss Setting page click the “use Sandbox” checkbox and then enter the PayPal API username, password and signature for your PayPal sandbox account.

How Do I Cancel My Subscription

One of the things we love about PayPal is the control it gives to the customer. If your plugin subscription was made via PayPal, all you have to do is go into your PayPal account and cancel the subscription. This will result in the plugin license being withdrawn, and your account no longer being charged.

Is The Plugin Encrypted?

Yes – the plugin is encrypted.

Since the plugin is dealing with financial transactions between WordPress and PayPal and between WordPress and Infusionsoft then using both code encryption and also HTTPS helps keep your transactions secure.

How Long Does It Take To Get The Plugin Running?

Assuming you already have your subscription product set up in Infusionsoft, it will take probably take you between one and two hours to set up SubscriptionBoss and do the tests to make sure everything is working.

Once the setup is done – it is a once only task – it is relatively easy to add new subscriptions to the plugin – around 5 minutes.

Is An Infusionsoft Guru Required To Set This Up?

Infusionsoft gurus are great but no – in this case you must be able to follow some step by step instructions. You should be able to so this without help as long as your Infusionsoft account is set up well – it’s also helpful if you’re familiar with your Infusionsoft account. Infusionsoft itself is a non-trivial product to use, but if you are already using it, SubscriptionBoss just requires certain information from your Infusionsoft account which should aleady be defined.

Assuming you have set your subscriptions up in Infusionsoft and have well defined action sets for subscription start and cancellation, you are good to go.

We also provide help with plugin setup! Just ask.