How To Enable The SubscriptionBoss Debug Log

If you have problems with connectivity from your WordPress site, either to Infusionsoft, PayPal or the SubscriptionBoss license server then you may want to enable the debug log temporarily to obtain better diagnostics about the problem. The debug log will collect details of all the transactions so for reasons of data security you should periodically purge the log when it is in use and then disable the logging feature when the problem has been resolved.

Instructions On How To Enable Logging

  1. Using either cPanel File Manager or your FTP client, create an empty log file at a location /home/youraccount/tmp/applog/subb.log and change the file permissions to others:read+write a.k.a. chmod 666) to make it writeable by the web server.
  2. add the following line to your wp-config.php

    define (‘SUBB_LOG_FILE’, ‘/home/youraccount/tmp/applog/subb.log’);

    1. For data security reasons it is important the log file is placed ABOVE the webroot so it is inaccessible via HTTP

      You can periodically download the log file using your cPanel File Manager or your FTP and see if any errors are being reported by SubscriptionBoss.

      Typical Connection Issues

      • Your host’s firewall for your WordPress site is blocking outbound connection on Port 80 or port 443
      • cURL is not installed on your server
      • cURL is installed but being blocked by your WordPress site’s security configuration
      • Incorrect PayPal credentials: username, password and signature
      • Incorrect Infusionsoft API key
      • Infusionsoft API source address checking has not authorised the IP address your WordPress site
      • Order not created on Infusionsoft because product/subscription ID no longer exist is misconfigured
      • PayPal IPNs not being processed

      SubscriptionBoss File Location

      You can in fact create the log file at any location you like. For live operation, we recommend the log is located above public_html or httpdocs in either the FTP root folder or as in the example above in the tmp folder where other log files are located.

      However, if you are NOT running with live transactions and testing in the PayPal SandBox with dummy data then you can safely locate the log file in the public_html where you can benefit from the convenience of being able to access it directly from your browser with a HTTP request if you give it a file extension of text. For example

      define (‘SUBB_LOG_FILE’, ‘/home/youraccount/public_html/subb-test-data-only.txt’);

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